Hello You.
Our customisable wedding videography packages are designed to provide personalised and tailored services, capturing the distinctive moments of each couple's special day. Our packages typically encompass two videographers, 9-11 hours of comprehensive coverage, and stunning aerial footage.
Our offerings guarantee an unparalleled cinematic journey. Couples have the freedom to select specific elements that resonate with their unique style, culminating in a cherished and intimate portrayal of their wedding celebration.
Capture the magic of your special day with our all-inclusive package! With 2 skilled videographers, we ensure every moment is beautifully documented. From the full ceremony to captivating speeches, nothing will be missed. Weather permitting, we'll even add breathtaking aerial footage to your collection. Your memories will be elegantly packaged in a highlight video, full ceremony video, speech video, plus a cinematic reel for added flair. Additionally, cherish 10 stunning still images capturing the essence of your event. Convenient online transfer makes receiving your deliverables effortless. Secure your date with just a £200 deposit and let us turn your wedding into a timeless masterpiece!
On the day:
1 or 2 videographers
Up to 9 hours of coverage
Full ceremony coverage
Full speech coverage
Aerial footage (subject to weather)​
Highlights video
Full ceremony video
Full speech video
Cinematic reel
x10 still images
Online transfer
£200 deposit
Elevate your wedding experience with our Platinum Package! With a dynamic duo of videographers, we guarantee every heartfelt moment is captured in stunning detail. From the complete ceremony to the heartfelt speeches, your memories will be immortalised. Weather permitting, we'll add an extra touch of grandeur with breathtaking aerial footage. Plus, opt for an engagement shoot to add a personal touch to your collection. Your cherished memories will be elegantly crafted into a highlight video, full ceremony video, and speech video, accompanied by two cinematic reels for that extra wow factor. Additionally, treasure 20 exquisite still images capturing the essence of your special day. Receive your memories conveniently through online transfer and a posted luxurious USB gift box. Secure your dream wedding date with just a £250 deposit and let us transform your day into an everlasting masterpiece!
On the day:
2 videographers
Up to 11 hours of coverage
Full ceremony coverage
Full speech coverage
Aerial footage (subject to weather)
Engagement shoot (optional)
Highlights video
Full ceremony video
Full speech video
x2 cinematic reels
x20 still images
Online transfer and USB gift box
£250 deposit